Affordable housing in Luque

Affordable Housing: Families Can Now Apply To Purchase One Of 12 Apartments In Luque

From now until 31st March, interested families can apply to purchase one of the twelve new apartments built by the Ministry of Urban Planning, Housing and Habitat (MUVH) in the city of Luque, through the Affordable Housing program.

To apply, interested parties must submit the required documentation to the MUVH headquarters (Independencia Nacional 909, near Manuel Domínguez).

They can also visit the action point in Luque, “Edificio Residentas 1” (General Genes, near Coronel Cabrera), from Monday to Saturday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Each unit features two bedrooms (one en suite with a bathroom), a fully equipped kitchen, granite countertops with a breakfast nook, a living room with a balcony, a guest bathroom, a social area with a barbecue area and a restroom, and parking for one vehicle.

The cost of each unit will start at 354,000,000 Gs., with a single, exceptional rate of 6.5%.

The approximate monthly payment will be 3,275,470 Gs., with financing available through the National Development Bank (BNF), in partnership with the Ministry of Urban Planning, Housing and Habitat (MUVH).

The housing complex, called “Residents Building 1,” is designed to offer comfort and functionality to its future owners, the MUVH emphasises.

“This major effort clearly reflects the strong commitment made by the government of President Santiago Peña Nieto to facilitate access to decent housing and promote the comprehensive development of families in Paraguay,” the institution states.