Become a member of The Asunción Times to meet and network with other English-speakers in Asunción, Paraguay! Make new friends, join more in-person activities and events, and help and learn from each other as we live as neighbours in this fantastic city.
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You will need to choose a username, enter your name, and upload a profile picture (it won’t work without it!), then the full functionality of The Asunción Times Members Area is at your fingertips.
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For all these functions and more, you can also use the ‘Members Area’ drop-down menu above, as well as all the various buttons from inside your own Members Area profile.
Thanks for joining us! Please help us grow by inviting your English-speaking friends in Asunción to also join us – and together we can create a social network of English-speakers, from all nationalities on the planet, who all live in Asunción. Vamosna!