Family Farming Fair in Multiplaza

Today’s Family Farming Fair In Asunción Features Families From Central And Bajo Chaco

Small farm producers from the Central department and the Bajo Chaco area are participating this Wednesday 26th February in the latest Family Farming Fair, which is taking place in the central hall of Tower “B”, ground floor of the Multiplaza Shopping Mall (near Los Laureles in Asunción), from 7am to 3pm.

Family Farming Fairs are promoted by the Government of Paraguay through technical departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in alliance with the private sector, in order to positively promote the development and dynamism of the productivity of rural families, as well as provide residents of metropolitan areas access to fresh produce from around the country.

Today’s event directly benefits 37 families from Central and Bajo Chaco who have come to Asunción to sell their agricultural products.

Buyers can access quality fresh farm products at a good price, such as Paraguay cheese, pork, home-made chicken and home-made eggs. In addition to corn, corn flour, red beans, honey, peanuts, peky butter beans and peky beans. Also starch, tomatoes, peppers, cassava, sweet potatoes, green vegetables in general, seasonal fruits, grains in general, crafts, flowers and plants, among others.