Centres For Women: State Entities Aim For Great Improvement

As part of a planning meeting, the Minister for Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, and the Minister for Women, Cynthia Figueredo, discussed strategies to strengthen the regional women’s centres and expand their coverage to more departments across the country.  

The head of the Ministry of Women emphasized the importance of these centres, which provide specialised assistance to women facing violence or human trafficking.  

In this context, she explained that she spoke with her counterpart from the Ministry of Economy and Finance about strengthening the regional centres, five of which are currently operational, as the first step in expanding their coverage to other departments this year. “It was a very fruitful planning meeting,” she stated at the end of the meeting.  

Currently, the regional women’s centers operate in San Pedro, Alto Paraná, Filadelfia, Amambay, and Canindeyú.  

As part of the expansion plan, infrastructure and professional staff will be allocated to Ñeembucú, Caaguazú, and Concepción.  

These centres have interdisciplinary teams specializing in psychology, social work, and law, providing comprehensive support to women facing domestic or family violence or those who are victims of human trafficking.  

This strengthening initiative is part of a public policy aimed at ensuring access to protection and assistance services for women throughout the country, according to the MEF.  

This initiative is following another one aimed at women out of urban area, like the first national forum for rural women seeks to promote empowerment.