
Itaipu Binacional Transferred USD 549 Million To The Government

In compliance with the obligations established in Annex C of the Treaty, Itaipu Binacional closed the 2024 fiscal year with a total transfer of USD 549 million in favour of the Paraguayan State.

The disbursements corresponded to royalties, energy transfer and payments to the National Electricity Administration (ANDE). These resources are essential for governorates, municipalities and the state-owned electricity company ANDE to be able to carry out their corresponding works for the benefit of the inhabitants.

The hydrological conditions and the optimal performance of the plant made possible an increase of USD 14 million in the total amount of remittances, since in 2023 the final figure had reached USD 535 million.

From January to December 2024, the Binational transferred USD 267 million for royalties and USD 230 million for energy transfer to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which is responsible for distributing the resources, as provided by national legislation. In turn, ANDE received USD 52 million for the compensation of administration and profit charges.

Regarding the payments made only in the last month of last year, royalties totalled USD 22 million, while the transfer of energy reached USD 19 million and ANDE received USD 1.7 million for compensation of administration charges; thus adding up to some USD 43 million to the injection made by the Entity.

Itaipu’s contributions through Annex C help departmental governments and municipalities for the development of programs, investments and essential works; such as school meals, school repairs, health centres, road infrastructure, among others. Likewise, they allow ANDE to have guaranteed and predictable funds, to be able to fulfill its investment plans and provide a quality electricity service.

Part of the royalties is used to finance the expenses of the General Budget of the Nation (PGN), while another important portion is transferred by the National Treasury to the departmental and municipal governments. In the specific case of compensation for energy transfer, the resources are incorporated into the National Fund for School Feeding (Fonae) and a percentage is also distributed to municipalities and governorates.

In a statement, the Paraguayan government said: “In addition to maintaining an optimal performance in energy generation, Itaipu, who turned 28 recently, continues to honour its financial commitments in a timely manner, which means a fundamental economic injection for the benefit of Paraguayan citizens.”