The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) reported the opening of new roadworks in the first 500-meter section of Mariscal López Avenue, between the Yberá area and the Campus of the National University of Asunción (UNA), in the city of San Lorenzo.
On this point, the director of Roads of the MOPC, René Peralbo, highlighted that the work is progressing at a good pace thanks to the soil conditions, which allow the installation of sewers quickly.
“We have been working in this sector since yesterday, where the dry ground makes progress easier. Although there was some water, it is draining away. We believe we can finish this section by the end of the month, provided we have favourable conditions,” said Peralbo.
Smooth traffic despite the ongoing roadworks
On the other hand, he said that the implemented detours are working properly, which has allowed traffic to flow smoothly in the area. “There is practically no congestion at this time, thanks to the coordinated work with the Highway Patrol and the Municipal Traffic Police (PMT) of San Lorenzo, who are collaborating to maintain order,” he said.
Once the work in that sector is finished, work will be carried out on the other side of the avenue, covering the same 500-meter segment, but on the other side. When this is finished, the next stage of work will be enabled where “the detours will be enabled and an updated map will be published to guide drivers to the alternative streets, which have already been paved and are ready for use,” explained Peralbo.
The roadworks, which are expected to be completed in October 2025, has a contract worth Gs 54 billion (USD 6.8 million) and guaranteed maintenance for 18 months after its completion. “The spirit of the contract is clear: if the work is done well, maintenance will be minimal. But if there are failures, the company will have to assume the costs,” the engineer emphasised.
The aim of the project is to address the flooding problems that have historically affected the avenue. “We want to prevent vehicles from getting caught in rapids, as we have seen in the past. With this improvement, Mariscal López will have a new face, essential for access and exit from Asunción,” added the engineer.
The MOPC requests the understanding of drivers during this period of roadworks in Asunción, which, although they may cause temporary inconveniences, will contribute to more efficient and safe travel in the future.