Tacuru Pucú: Getting To Know The Hernandarias Museum

This article was made by our partner MUPAPY: Voices of Museums and Cultural Heritage. This week, the text is about the Historical Museum of Tacuru Pucú. Click here for the last one about the Mythological Museum.

Deep into the oldest city of the Alto Paraná department, Hernandarias, we can find a hidden cultural gem: the Historical Museum of Tacuru Pucu, founded over 25 years ago, keeper of the collective memory of the region. Today, this place of heritage invites you to discover the town’s days of old, its people and everything that shapes their collective identity. 

From the very beginning, the work at the museum was strongly committed to focus on investigating the local history. Juan Villanueva, son of the director and founder of the institution, told us that recovering and preserving the heritage of Hernandarias was always the main goal for the organisation; connecting the community and also sharing that feeling of belonging with the new generation. 

History of Tacuru Pucú

Tacuru Pucú’s comes from one of the names the city had up ‘till 1896. In guaraní, it means “mound-building termites” and it’s a reference to the large amount of termites nests that are a common feature of that specific area. Nonetheless, it wasn’t the first name this town had; the guaraní settlement was originally called “Our Lady of Nativity of Acaray” founded on 1619 by Jesuits monks Claudio Ruyel and Diego de Boroa, along local caciques lead by the tribe’s chief Arerapa, according to information provided by the museum itself. 

Tacuru Pucú

The museum was named “Museum of the Year” in 2024 by AMUS, a local organisation that stands for “Paraguayan Association of Museologists and Museum’ Workers” (Asociación Paraguaya de Museólogos y Trabajadores de Museos in Spanish), thanks to their important work in the field; that includes promoting the educational aspect of the city, the investigative aspect between professionals and the promotion of cultural diversity. 

This includes recent reports obtained by various experts, including anthropologists, museologists, historians and professors that also helped develop the inventory and cataloging of the collection. The National Service of Professional Promotion (SNPP being the Spanish acronym) also sent some of their students from their Tourism Course that helped with some of the programmes the Historical Museum of Tacuru Pucú offered throughout the years. 

Tacuru Pucú

The collection includes archeological artifacts, objects used for yerbatero work and combat relics from the Chaco War. Though the Tacuru Pucú is mostly visited by young people, whom see the facility as a place of learning and cultural introspection, everyone can enjoy their time there and also get involved by joining different activities and projects the staff often organizes. Their aim is to turn the public into active participants of the history that the exhibition shares. This is also a good opportunity for foreigners to get a taste of the local culture and learn about the city in a more dynamic way. 

The Tacuru Pucú Museum is open through Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00AM to 12:00PM, located between Boquerón St. and Coronel Bogado St, in the city of Hernandarias, Alto Paraná. 

Tacuru Pucú Opening Hours

Monday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Thursday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Friday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed