Paraguayan Gymnastics Team Win 45 Medals at the Special Olympics Games

The Paraguayan gymnastics team shone with their own light today at the 4th Special Olympics Games, taking a total of 45 medals: 18 gold, 17 silver and 10 bronze, in addition to several quarters and fifth places. The achievement was celebrated with great pride in the National Gymnastics Pavilion, recognised as one of the best sports venues in South America and praised by the International Gymnastics Federation.

The feat was highlighted by the Casa del Deporte Paraguay on its social networks: “A Bonanza of medals in the National Gymnastics Pavilion of the SND Complex, Congratulations Champions!”

Of the total number of gold medals, 11 were obtained by women, and 7 by men.

Among the Paraguayan gymnastics team’s most prominent figures is Karen Cano, an official of the National Sports Secretariat (SND), who achieved an impressive crop of 4 gold medals and 1 silver medal. The SND celebrated this triumph by highlighting Cano’s talent and dedication in various ways.

Paula Espínola, president of the Paraguayan Gymnastics Federation, expressed her pride in the achievements made, stressing that most medalists train in the National Pavilion. “For us it is the priority to get big, and then to work specifically with gymnasts and raise their levels to reach international competitions. We must fill our pavilion with gymnasts. Children who do sports are healthy and happy children.”

Espínola also highlighted the quality of the technical coaching staff on the Paraguayan gymnastics team, noting “we have an excellent coaching team” to help the athletes become the best they cam be at their chosen sport.

The 6th Special Olympic Games, which will run until October 12 in Asunción, bring together more than a thousand athletes who will compete in 13 sports and 14 modalities, demonstrating that inclusion and sport go hand in hand. More than 2,000 volunteers and a large crowd of spectators have turned to the different stages, including the SND Complex, the Paraguayan Olympic Committee (COP) and the National Aquatic Center, to participate in this historic event.

The First Lady of the Nation, Leticia Ocampos, godmother of the games, also called on citizens to join this great celebration. “We are living a great party of inclusion in our country. We wait for you to enjoy as a family,” she said through her social networks.

The Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, also joined in the congratulations, highlighting the impressive haul of the national team on his X account (formerly Twitter). “So far 45 medals for Paraguay. Congratulations to our dear athletes and a great job to the First Lady, godmother of the games,” Alliana published.

With this outstanding start in the Special Olympics, Paraguay continues to position itself as a leader in inclusive sport at the regional level, leaving the country’s reputation enhanced and demonstrating that teamwork, discipline and effort are the key to success.