Every spring, the majestic lapachos fill the streets with color and life. At this time of year, in addition to enjoying their beauty, citizens and residents of Paraguay have the opportunity to contribute to reforestation by collecting and planting the lapacho seeds. In this article, we tell you how to identify, plant and care for them properly.
The lapachos adorn the city with their intense pink, yellow and white hues. These trees, so deeply rooted in Paraguayan identity, invite us to be an active part of the reforestation process through the fall of their pods filled with winged seeds. Walking through the streets covered in these seeds is an opportunity to participate in a significant act for the environment: collecting and planting them.
Collecting lapacho seeds: an easy first step
Collecting tajj seeds is a simple task that does not require sophisticated tools or much time. The long, dry pods split open naturally when ready, releasing an abundant amount of tiny, winged seeds that fall onto sidewalks and streets. This is the ideal time to collect them.
You just have to pick up the pods you find on the ground, carefully open them and remove the seeds. To keep them in good condition, it is important to store them in a dry and cool place, in containers that allow air circulation, such as cloth or paper bags.
How to plant lapacho seeds?

Lapachos grow best in well-drained soil with a good amount of organic matter. It is important that the place where you plant them, either in a pot or directly in the ground, receives plenty of sunlight. The seeds should be placed on the surface and covered with a thin layer of soil approximately 0.5 cm thick. After sowing, it is essential to keep the soil moist, but not soaked, watering gently to avoid displacing the seeds.
The tajy is a hardy species, but the first few months require basic care to ensure healthy growth. It is recommended to keep the soil moist without flooding it and, if you decide to plant in a pot, you can consider transplanting the seedlings when they reach about 10 to 15 cm in height, making sure to choose a space where the tree can fully develop.
The benefits of planting lapacho seeds
The impact of planting lapacho seeds, and therefore growing lapachos, is not limited to the beauty they bring to streets and parks. These trees play a crucial role in improving air quality, by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, as well as providing shade and helping to regulate temperature in both urban and rural areas. Planting lapachos is a tangible way to take action against current environmental challenges, creating greener and healthier spaces for future generations.
This season is the perfect time to take action. Lapacho seeds, freely available on the streets right now, provide us with an accessible opportunity to develop environmental awareness and contribute to the beautification of the city. With a little initiative and dedication, each seed can be transformed into a majestic tree.