Espacio PY, a new TV program from the Paraguayan Space Agency, is ready for lift-off

The Paraguayan Space Agency (AEP) is launching a new informative television program, called Espacio PY, broadcast by Paraguay TV, with the aim of informing the public about its main projects and technological advances in the space field.

The program will be led by Romina Duarte and Leticia Garcete, under the general production of Andrea Villalba, all officials of the AEP. Through this TV program, they seek to provide a technical and detailed view of the agency’s ongoing initiatives.

Espacio PY will cover topics related to satellite development, scientific research, international space cooperation, and the impact of space technology in key areas such as Earth observation and space engineering.

Paraguay’s first space satellite was GuraniSat-1, which was launched firstly to the International Space Station (ISS) on 20th February 2021, arriving two days later, and subsequently deployed into low-Earth orbit from the ISS on 14th March 2021.

The satellite’s mission was to monitor prevalence of Chagas disease in the Paraguayan Chaco region, and was controlled from ground stations at the National University of Asuncion (UNA) and in Chaco.

GuaraniSat-1 re-entered the atmosphere on 5 July 2022, after 15 months of successful operation.

The Paraguay Space Agency says that it’s activities through Espacio PY are aimed at providing transparency and information about what it does and why, as well as help boost knowledge and interest in the sciences across Paraguay, bringing the advances that position Paraguay on the international space scene to the public.

Espacio PY will be broadcast every Wednesday at 22:00 pm by Paraguay TV from September 2024.