EAS companies are now the most popular type of company in Paraguay

Paraguay Now Has More Than 13,000 EAS Companies

Since the implementation of the tool, in February 2021 until November 2024, some 13,744 businesses were established through the Simplified Joint Stock Companies (EAS Companies) platform within the country, reaching a share capital of USD 588 million in this period.

Simplified Joint Stock Companies (EAS Companies) had great relevance within the Paraguayan business network, becoming the preferred modality for new ventures due to the cost, agility, simplicity and recent advantages in interconnection with financial services.

According to the report of the Unified System for Opening and Closing Companies (SUACE), in relation to the amount and origin of the capital declared by the 13,744 EAS established, the total invested represents more than USD 588 million, of which 89% corresponds to national capital and 11% to foreign capital.

It is worth mentioning that, since the year of implementation, in February 2021, the tool represented 28% of the incorporation of companies in the country; second place behind the traditional SA, which reached 51%.

Institutional interconnection for EAS companies

Another factor driving the growth of EAS is the interconnection with the National Development Bank (BNF), which allows users to establish an EAS and, at the same time, access financial services in an integrated manner, such as opening accounts and savings accounts.

Since March 2024, the EAS/BNF online interconnection for account opening has been available. As of October this year, more than 1,490 account opening requests have been processed.

Evolution of the EAS tool

Since February 2021, the opening of Simplified Joint Stock Companies (EAS companies) has been implemented, which is processed online through the EAS/SUACE platform, within a minimum period of 72 business hours, free of charge.

In 2022, it became established in the preference of users and the constitution of the EAS surpassed the other companies, experiencing 49% of the total, followed by 39% corresponding to the SA.

In 2023, the EAS was fully consolidated as the most chosen type of company in the country, representing 69% compared to other companies incorporated in the country.

By November 2024, 5,472 EAS had already been established, representing 79%, compared to a total of 1,346 traditional legal entities, representing 21% so far in 2024.