The Augusto Roa Bastos Library: A Sanctuary of Words and Memory in Asunción, Paraguay

This article is an entry for The Asunción Times’ writing competition 2024, by Luana González. To help this article win, like and comment!

Isolated from the vibrant streets of the heart of Asunción, one can discover moments of peace and introspection in the hidden corner of the Augusto Roa Bastos Library, an experience that only the unique atmosphere of this library can offer at such a profound level, having a glimpse of how the soul of Paraguay’s literary past whispers through the pages of countless books.

This library is much more than a collection of wisdom from our ancestors and great writers from across the world; it is a reflection of the enduring spirit and contribution of one of Paraguay’s greatest literary figures, Augusto Roa Bastos.

A Monument in Memory of Augusto Roa Bastos

In the 1990’s, Paraguayan culture was witnessing the emergence of a true pioneer whose influence would transcend generations, Augusto Roa Bastos. The deep meaning of this library can only be understood by recognising the importance and impact that the legacy of Augusto Roa Bastos left on Paraguayan culture.

Born in 1917, he crossed borders, ceasing to be not only an icon of literature at the national level, but also throughout Latin America. Through his work, he gave a voice to the marginalised groups during the early years when the dictatorship sought to silence those who wanted to speak.

His writings imbued the feelings of his land and became a voice for the voiceless. Amid the storm of oppression suffered by the dictatorship, the authors work was the call for resistance and the consolation for the suffering that Paraguayans experienced during the years of dictatorship. His novels, such as Yo, el Supremo, (I, the Supreme) don’t just tell stories—they reflect the heartbeat of a nation that has endured immense struggles and relied on its resilience and bravery to overcome.

“Nothing exalts authority as much as silence

This phrase by Augusto Roa Bastos demonstrates the importance that words had for him and how he turned them into weapons, especially in a country that had often been shrouded in political oppression.  His literary work was complex, but it emphasised the feeling that united his readers as brothers: injustice.

The injustice that breaks ones soul, only to reassemble it with the fighting cry in unison. This library is a latent memory of his legacy, a legacy that seeks to keep Paraguayan history  alive and that, in silence, manages to honor all those who gave their lives in the fight for a brighter future in Paraguay.

The Heart of Paraguayan Literature

Only one step is necessary inside this library, to feel how the smell of old books runs through the soul. While being a visual delight, the library displays art not only in the form of writings, but also in well-preserved monuments and relics that preserves Paraguayan heritage.

Each writing and each work of art captures the moments of revolution, love and hope that Paraguayan history has gone through.  Here, one can find the great works of Augusto Roa Bastos as well as other Paraguayan writers who shaped and mirrored the country’s consciousness.

“Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana, 1905)

Keeping this phrase in mind, the Augusto Roa Bastos Library opens a window to the past,  providing context for the present. The old manuscripts that turned yellow with the passage of time tell the story of wars, colonisation and the memory of the souls who fought to hold onto their identity in the face of external and internal strife.

For school, university students and the people in general, this library is meant to open the eyes by denoting that these events must not only be studied, they must be remembered. They are running through their blood and are part of their cultural DNA resonating deeply within the  community.

A Place For Dreamers and Thinkers

More than a quiet place to read, the Augusto Roa Bastos Library is a meeting place for the intellectual and cultural life of the country. The hallways are wrapped in more than books, they are wrapped in the voices of writers, poets, enthusiasts and thinkers who turned words into a legacy that encapsulates the feelings and events they witnessed. The library has a large recreation garden, where debates, discussions and readings take place to keep Paraguayan culture alive and evolving.

The library provides a place of support for young writers seeking to be heard through their ink. They can seek for inspiration in not only Roa Bastos´s work, but also in the work of other national and international artists. This library becomes a safe place to write, read and dream, harnessing the power of words to pave the way for a more cultivated Paraguay.

A Quiet Environment For Reflection

Sedated by a world of constant movement, in which tumult becomes part of everyday life, the Augusto Roa Bastos Library becomes a home for those in search of an escape. The architecture perfectly mirrors the art his walls are safeguarding, turning each corner into a place worthy to be admired.

For some it is a place to study, but for many it becomes a refuge, a sanctuary that remains firm in the face of the adversities, to make only the environment that surrounds you and yourself important.

The library reflects the values that Augusto Roa Bastos valued: resilience, patience, and a sense of belonging to the stories that shaped us. It is not only the library that fosters this sense of belonging, but also the staff who dedicate their daily efforts in the search of preserving history, providing explanations of the artworks, and helping in the deep understanding of what each piece conveys. Thanks to this dialogue, the library feels more like a home, one that welcomes you with open arms and accompanies you on the journey of exploring the past.

A Cultural Vision For The Years Ahead

The Augusto Roa Bastos Library crosses barriers to not be perceived only as a static institution, it becomes a living entity, a breathing portion of Paraguayan culture which forms an undeniable part not only of the past, but also of the future. It serves as a reminder of how invaluable stories, feelings, struggles and lessons become in an ever-changing world and how these literary relics continue to shape the future that awaits the country.

In a country that has been through so much, this library becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It reminds us that even in the face of the worst adversity, words can bring hope and how a simple voice – like Augusto Roa Bastos´s – can resonate and generate amazement throughout generations.

Visiting this Library is to feel firsthand the heart of all Paraguayans, the scars of our past and the effort that each of our ancestors offered to the nation in search of a cultivated Paraguay, far from dictatorships and oppressions, with freedom of expression and with the desire for a prosperous and bright future.

The Augusto Roa Bastos library becomes a unique place where the past, present and future meet, and envelop the reader in order to show them all the love that went into forging the spirit of this nation.