Paraguay's PY02 Highway

Asphalt Upgrades For Paraguay’s PY02 Highway

More than 25,000 people will directly benefit from the improvement of the Mbocayaty del Yhaguy – San José de los Arroyos section of Paraguay’s PY02 Highway, a project that already has 9 km paved of the more than 20 km planned, and a work front open up to km 12.6.

The works have reached a physical completion of precisely 38.78%, and to verify the progress of this long-awaited work, a team from the Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) went a tour of the area, carried out by the firm Ecomipa.

The MOPC reported that the items executed included the installation of cellular and tubular culverts, the laying of turf on the shoulders, excavation, moving of fences, installation of water pipes and the moving of columns, as well as the excavation of pockets.

Scope of work for the PY02 highway section

The new asphalt will cover a total stretch of 20.30 km that connects the city of Mbocayaty del Yhaguy with the district of San José de los Arroyos, at km 103 of the route PY02 highway, between the departments of Cordillera and Caaguazú, respectively.

The technical design of the road includes a roadway with triple surface treatment of 7.00 m wide, gravel shoulders of 2.50 m on both sides with drains every 25 m, a granular base of 0.18 m thick, gravel of 0.20 m, subgrade reinforcement at 12% with 0.30 m thickness and a 6% CBR embankment.

The initiative corresponds to Lot 4 of the MOPC Call No. 93/2022, “For asphalt paving works in the departments of Misiones, Cordillera and Caaguazú”, with ID No. 419,394.

In this case, the project has an investment of G. 47,326,958,921 including Modified Agreement No. 1 and an execution period of 24 months. The improvement of the road will especially benefit the communities of Piray, Colonia Esperanza, Ykua Rugua, San Blas and Mbocayaty del Yhaguy.