On Friday morning, the launch of the Summer Operation was held in the city of San Bernardino, which will deploy a total of 500 police officers this year. “We have significantly increased the number because we were usually bringing 300 officers for the service,” said the commander of the National Police.
The increase in the number of police officers deployed coincides with the significant increase in the effective force of the National Police, which last December incorporated 5,000 new officers, highlighted the commander of the National Police, Carlos Benítez.
“What we are looking for with this is to optimise the service and reach the citizens much better,” said the commander, also highlighting the reinforcement of prevention and security elements, technical and tactical elements, and vehicles.
The operation will provide security for the nearly 20,000 residents and more than 80,000 visitors expected to pass through the city during the summer.
“The idea is to extend the operation until school starts (in mid-February),” said Interior Minister Enrique Riera, who asked the police to proceed firmly in enforcing the law but in a friendly manner towards the citizen.