Vori Vori soup was recognised as the “Best Soup in the World” according to the statistics account “World of Statistics”, which uses the handle @stats_feed. This distinction reaffirms the cultural and culinary value of this traditional dish, which most people in Paraguay already regarded as the best soup in the world anyway.

Senatur Minister Angie Duarte celebrated a new recognition of Vori Vori, which is also named as the best soup in the world by the culinary guide Taste Atlas.
Vori Vori, an ancestral treasure of Paraguayan cuisine, is much more than just a soup: it is an expression of the identity and flavor of Paraguay. With its fresh and nutritious ingredients, such as corn, chicken and vegetables, Vori Vori is a warm hug in every spoonful, a culinary legacy passed down from generation to generation.
“This recognition is a well-deserved tribute to our roots and to the dedication of those who keep the Vori Vori tradition alive,” said Angie Duarte, Minister of Tourism of Paraguay. “It is an honor to see how a dish so much ours, so deeply rooted in our culture, conquers the palates of the entire world.”