Short Film Competition

Launching The 1st National Short Film Competition “Sumar”

The Government, through the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC), the Ministry of Information Technology (Mitic) and the National Youth Secretariat (SNJ) will launch the 1st National Sumar Micro-Short Film Competition, during the month of January 2025.

It is intended to stimulate the creativity of students in the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary education from public, subsidised private and private educational institutions throughout the country, promoting independent artistic productions that at the same time lead them to learn more about the problem of the consumption of psychoactive substances that affect thousands of students and adolescents, providing ideas for their prevention.

Registration will be completely free and participants must develop a script and an audiovisual production, with a maximum duration of between 2 and 4 minutes, addressed to their peers, in which brands or legends that in the opinion of the jury may be considered as advertising may not be shown.

For more details, the official page of the projects will be available.

Likewise, the works that must be authored by the student, with the advice of a tutor, may be prepared indistinctly in Spanish or Guaraní or in both languages ​​and works that have received awards or distinctions in other competitions will not be allowed, and the judges may apply a disqualification in case of detecting plagiarism.

All the winning pieces will be part of the campaigns undertaken within the framework of the SUMAR Action Plan Against Drug Abuse and may be used during the 2025 school year in activities, projects and graphic materials for cultural promotion such as reproduction, printing, publication, exhibition and other types of dissemination, which the educational portfolio and other state entities involved consider necessary.

The names of the authors will be mentioned, without this implying any remuneration and/or financial compensation, but safeguarding their Intellectual Property rights, as established in Law No. 4798/2012 and amendments.