certified job training

More than 100 people receive certified job training in San Bernardino

The National System of Training and Labor Capacity Building (Sinafocal) and the National Secretariat of Tourism (Senatur) this week delivered certified job training to 131 people. Certificates of competence were issued to experienced waiters who are already working and to people who were trained as “home electricians”, “plumbers” and “tourism promoters”.

They are part of the group of 186 courses taught throughout the country, awarded through the National Public Tender “Multi-year Labor Training Courses”.

The event was held at the Municipality of San Bernardino, with the presence of the local municipal mayor Emigdio Ruiz Díaz and the technical secretary of Sinafocal, Alfredo Mongelós, as part of the Summer 2024 Employment Plan launched by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the Municipality of San Bernardino.

During the event, work kits were also delivered to beneficiaries of the courses “Home Electrician”, “Plumber” and “Local Tourism Promoter”.

The waiters who received their certificates were evaluated at the restaurants “Tatanos Posada Boutique” and “Don Pappalo Resort Hotel” in San Bernardino. Graduates of the “Home Electrician,” “Plumber” and “Local Tourism Promoter” training courses will receive their job kits.

Plumbers’ kits include a tapping set, pipe wrench, pressure pliers, screwdrivers, tape, press, adhesive, hacksaw, hammer, iron cutter and tool box.

The home electricians received gloves, a pole searcher, a multitester, a drill, pliers, tape, screwdrivers and a toolbox; while the graduates of the local tourism promotion course received instructional material, a manual of tourist sites in Paraguay, a notebook, a cloth pencil case, a tourist pad, an agenda, an identification card and a T-shirt.

The evaluation for the certification of waiters’ skills is supported by Sinafocal and validates the skills acquired by workers, whether through empirical experience or training, thus strengthening the National Model for Certification of Skills of Paraguay promoted by the National System of Professional Qualifications, in alliance with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security.

The certified job training event was also attended by Mónica Segovia, head of tourism at Senatur; Viviana Oviedo, Regional Director of Cordillera at the Ministry of Labor; Marcela Villasanti, director of training for the tourism sector; José Rolón, manager of Don Papalo Resort and Javier Sánchez, head waiter at Tatano Posada Boutique, among other guests.

Tomorrow, Friday, the Summer Job Expo will also be held in San Bernardino.