New Solar Plant

New Solar Plant To Bring Electricity To 250 Indigenous Families In Chaco

With 95% progress in the supply of equipment, the National Electricity Administration (ANDE) is setting up a photovoltaic solar plant in the Paraguayan Chaco, to provide reliable and quality electricity for the first time to 250 families in the indigenous community of Puerto Esperanza Ynychta of the Ishir Ybytoso people.

The community, located 30 km from the city of Bahía Negra and about 900 kilometers from Asunción, will have access to this service for the first time, ANDE said.

The project is currently 95% complete in terms of equipment supply and 80% complete in terms of installation work, entering the final phase which includes the connection of inverters, batteries, control systems and commissioning.

This large-scale new solar plant project stands out as the country’s first hybrid microgrid, integrating 700 kWp of photovoltaic generation, 3 MWh of energy storage with lithium technology (battery bank) and a future connection to the medium voltage grid from Bahía Negra.

The project is managed by the Acaray Hydroelectric Power Plant Modernization Project Management Unit and is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

“For ANDE, this energy generation project is a historic milestone for the Paraguayan electricity sector, because with it we mark a before and after, considering that it is the beginning of the generation of non-conventional renewable energy, with the installation of the first photovoltaic plant in the country, with which we will provide the possibility of improving the quality of life of the community residents with technology to be able to maintain their products, in order to make better use of their work, and to introduce technology into the educational system, which is essential for the progress and improvement of the quality of life of the members of the community,” said ANDE President Félix Sosa.