Government Sends Trucks with 210,000 Litres of Potable Water to Chaco

A new shipment of 210,000 litres of water to assist families affected by the severe drought in the Paraguayan Chaco left this Tuesday from the Army Headquarters. Sixteen vehicles left early this morning from the Army Headquarters to continue assisting the communities affected by the severe drought in the Western Region.

This is the twenty-first contingent sent by the Government to try to alleviate the complicated situation in the Western Region. In this case, the shipment was 210,000 litres of drinking water, as the National Emergency Secretariat reported.

We are very attentive to alleviate the situation that the communities are experiencing due to the lack of rain, we have to rise to the occasion as State officials,” said the Minister of National Defence, Oscar González.

The “Y Jeroja II” Operation will reach the different communities of the department of Presidente Hayes.